
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Miles-a-Minute Challenge #11: Areas of Mistrust

Here's my challenge answer for today's Miles a Minute video, "Fog."


Discuss/Describe the most difficult step of faith you are facing right now, and why it’s so hard to trust.

Definitely my most difficult step of faith right now is stepping into the next phase of my life, the post-college phase where I go into a career, hopefully move out on my own and become independent. I've put it off long enough. It has to happen. But honestly, I am scared. Scared of the risk. Scared of the uncertainty. 

It's hard for me to trust God on this because I like to be in control of the outcome of things. I like to know how things will end, or at least be able to reasonably predict them. I don't like surprises. But I haven't been doing well trying to deal with this on my own. Just been delaying the inevitable. So I guess I need to "let go, let God" on this one?

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